FLAC Led Zeppelin - Greatest Hits Live Broadcast Collection 2025 - [Albums]

Albums 29-01-2025, 15:23

Led Zeppelin - Greatest Hits Live Broadcast Collection FLAC-G11..rar

FLAC Led Zeppelin - Greatest Hits Live Broadcast Collection 2025
Label Live Icons
Nombre de pistes 19
Genre Rock

01. Led Zeppelin - Rock and Roll [479 kb/s] [13.3 MiB] [03:52]
02. Led Zeppelin - The Ocean [502 kb/s] [15.7 MiB] [04:22]
03. Led Zeppelin - Misty Mountain Hop [487 kb/s] [16.5 MiB] [04:44]
04. Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains the Same [475 kb/s] [18.4 MiB] [05:25]
05. Led Zeppelin - I Can't Quit You [714 kb/s] [28.3 MiB] [05:32]
06. Led Zeppelin - Black Dog [455 kb/s] [18.9 MiB] [05:48]
07. Led Zeppelin - Over the Hills and Far Away [450 kb/s] [18.8 MiB] [05:50]
08. Led Zeppelin - Babe I'm Gonna Leave You [764 kb/s] [37.2 MiB] [06:48]
09. Led Zeppelin - Since I've Been Loving You [490 kb/s] [28.1 MiB] [08:00]
10. Led Zeppelin - Heartbreaker [501 kb/s] [28.3 MiB] [07:52]
11. Led Zeppelin - The Rain Song [470 kb/s] [27.5 MiB] [08:10]
12. Led Zeppelin - No Quarter [441 kb/s] [31.0 MiB] [09:49]
13. Led Zeppelin - Dazed and Confused / Guitar Solo [480 kb/s] [52.0 MiB] [15:09]
14. Led Zeppelin - Moby Dick / Drum Solo [410 kb/s] [82.8 MiB] [28:14]
15. Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven [480 kb/s] [35.8 MiB] [10:24]
16. Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love / Medley [463 kb/s] [31.7 MiB] [09:35]
17. Led Zeppelin - How Many More Times [709 kb/s] [10.0 MiB] [01:58]
18. Led Zeppelin - Communication Breakdown [859 kb/s] [17.1 MiB] [02:47]
19. Led Zeppelin - Celebration Day [459 kb/s] [11.3 MiB] [03:26]

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Taille523 Mo

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